Rainy Window Concert

I am in my dorm room laying on my bed watching a Disney movie called Soul. Ever since I came to Switzerland I made it a habit to never close my windows. I like connecting with the outside nature as much as I can. I live in a tiny 5×2 rectangular room on the mountain with the most breathtaking view of Lake Geneva & the Swiss Alps 🏔.


As I was watching the movie, it started to rain. The trickles of water was music 🎶 to my ears. I STOPED the movie just to listen to the natural music.


I smiled 😊, it made me so happy and at peace . I am laying down on my stomach, hugging my pillow and just listening to the natural rainy 🌧 concert. It’s speaking to me. I realized that every night back home I used to turn on the sound of water before I sleep. And now here it is happening to me just naturally.


I extend my arm, turned off the lights, close my laptop and just decide to doze into deep deep sleep with the sound of water twinkling down the roof pipes.


Oo how beautiful this world of god is 🙏. Just giving us tiny blisses to wonder on and enjoy.


As I was dreaming 💭 , I remembered my brother Anas when he used to make fun of me for turning on relaxing backround music before I sleep. I thought, where is he now to witness this magical moment. I’m sure he will really appreciate it. Actually, now that I come to think of it, he will probably just end up sleeping within 5 seconds without even caring.


From that mountain, I realized that immersing my self with nature is a soulful bliss. It is a love language of its own kind. God speaking to you through different outlets. I became addicted to sleeping and waking up to the sounds of nature. Birds flying🕊, sun scorching☀️, thunder storms hitting ⚡️, rain trickling🌧, moon light shining bright 🌔seeping through my curtains. These natural movie clips brought peace and happiness to my tiny 5×2 dorm room making it the best place I have every lived in. Simple pleasures like this are irrelevant for some, but it meant the world to me.