The Art of Perception though Shimmering Blond Curls

Swimming in the Red Sea 🌊, submerged in clear salty beach water. Surrounded by tinny fishes 🐠 . Sitting on smooth sand crawling though my toes and between my thighs. Sitting still as the waves swish me back and forth making my body groove in with a push and out with pull.


Just sitting there, enjoying the hot sun-rays on my skin ☀️; the sound of water swooshing against the rocks 🪨; and the taste of saltiness on my lips. I untie my long curly hair, shake my head letting it loose in the water half way down my back. Appreciating its corse curly texture, its golden strands intertwined with the brown under tones. Im just sitting there entertaining my self with my curly blonde waves. I feel like a little kid 👧 enjoying my alone play time with something very simple. It’s mesmerizing and entertaining.


I dip my hair in and out of the water 💦 astonished by the differences in color and texture. As I sink it in the water, the hair looks so sleek, a bit lighter in color and flows in perfect curls. Feels like flowing mermaid hair 🧜‍♀️. Each hair strand free on its own, swimming in the water. I move my head to the right and my hair follows like a train. Then I move it back to the left and it follows right back. Such a pointless act😅, yet fun and entertaining to watch. As soon as I pull my hair out of the water, it turns to a dark brown color as if its not the same hair. It becomes corse to the touch and tangled to the look. Seconds later as the water drains out, the golden stands start shimmering again as the sun shines on it. The brown undertones are interwind again, and the cycle continues. I continue doing this as I’m tanning inside the water for hours. Day by day these stands absore the sunrays and slowly start transforming to lighter highlights.


Makes me wonder why is this happening?


It’s crazy how our perception can be altered by something as simple as water 💦. Think about it …


Anything and anyone below the water see’s a whole different side of me than anyone above the water. Its a whole different perspective. I am a mermaid under water and me above water.


The sun is constant. The hair is constant. I am constant. But the water adds a new perspective to my hair.


What else does the water affect?


What are other things that alter our perspective in our everyday life 🤔?